Case Studies


Invest Detroit/LISC 

Media Relations, organizational positioning


Invest Detroit and LISC work collaboratively to support real estate and business projects in Detroit and nationwide. They leverage innovative tools to foster inclusive communities, create opportunities, and drive equity, emphasizing collective impact for sustainable community development.


While Detroit’s downtown revival garners extensive media coverage, this focus often overshadows the progress in the city’s inner neighborhoods, creating a narrative of neglect. VVK partnered with local stakeholders to address this misconception and showcase the comprehensive revitalization efforts, including pathways to affordability, inclusive growth, and shared prosperity, across all areas of Detroit.


Since 2022, VVK’s PR efforts have led to several (#) ribbon cuttings, (#) groundbreaking press releases, and multiple celebrations marking development milestones. Eleven neighborhoods are now officially involved in the strategic investment fund. These efforts, combined with Invest Detroit and LISC’s initiatives in suburban and economic development, have showcased a well-rounded and impactful revitalization across Detroit.