Our Services

Media relations

VVK takes a strategic approach to media relations.  The press release is the backstop, the relationship and the pitch generate the result.  

  • Messaging
  • Media materials
  • Media engagement
  • Editorial writing
  • Media/Spokesperson training 

Video Production

VVK’s full-service video production team helps capture the attention of  audiences in a way no other media can.  

  • Scripting and strategy
  • Filming
  • Graphic design and editing
  • Casting

Stakeholder and Community Relations

VVK meets diverse audiences where they are with guidance and engagement strategies that build trust and motivate action.    

  • Issues management
  • Relationship development and strategy
  • Diversity and community marketing
  • Community event management

Issues and Crisis Management

VVK is the steady guiding force, available 24/7 to manage a crisis for organizations and the audiences they serve.

  •  Crisis plan development 
  • 24/7 crisis response and statement development
  • Media and stakeholder messaging and management  

Organizational and Executive Positioning

VVK takes an integrated approach to position organizations and their executives as industry leaders and subject matter experts.

  • Media/spokesperson training
  • Editorial writing
  • Award and recognition development
  • Speaking opportunity development
  • Relationship development
  • Brand video development

Digital Media

VVK takes your story and translates it across platforms, staying brand conscious and audience driven.

  • Social media strategy and engagement
  • Newsletter development
  • Website management
  • Video content development for social
  • Social media influencer marketing

Public AffAIRS

VVK counsels clients and helps them navigate relationships and processes with elected officials and government entities.

  • Issues management
  • Ballot initiatives  
  • Relationship development 

Legal Creative
& Strategy

VVK helps our law clients emerge from the competitive clutter, establish their brand, and, of course, increase the intake.

  • Commercial production
  • Social media

Event Management

VVK stages events that make headlines and attract audiences to elevate clients’ brands.

  • Press conference and media tours
  • Ground breakings, ribbon cuttings & grand openings
  • Stakeholder and community engagement events
  • Influencer marketing and engagement

Media relations

VVK takes a strategic approach to media relations.  The press release is the backstop, the relationship and the pitch generate the result.  

  • Messaging
  • Media materials
  • Media engagement
  • Editorial writing
  • Media/Spokesperson training 

Stakeholder and Community Relations

VVK meets diverse audiences where they are with information and engagement strategies that build trust and motivate action.    

  • Issues management
  • Relationship development and strategy
  • Diversity and community marketing
  • Community event management

Issues and Crisis Management

VVK is the steady guiding force, available 24/7 to manage a crisis for organizations and the audiences they serve.

  •  Crisis plan development 
  • 24/7 crisis response and statement development
  • Media and stakeholder messaging and management  

Organizational and Executive Positioning

VVK takes an integrated approach to position organizations and their executives as industry leaders and subject matter experts.

  • Media/spokesperson training
  • Editorial writing
  • Award and recognition development
  • Speaking opportunity development
  • Relationship development
  • Brand video development

Digital Media

VVK takes your story and translate it across platforms, staying brand conscious and audience driven.

  • Social media strategy and engagement
  • Newsletter development
  • Website management
  • Video content development for social
  • Social media influencer marketing

Public Affiars

VVK advises, connects and educates to help bring clients navigate relationships and processes with elected official and government entities.

  •  Issues management
  • Ballot initiatives  
  • Relationship development 

Legal Creative
& Strategy

VVK helps our law clients emerge from the competitive clutter, establish their brand, and, of course, increase the intake.

  • Commercial production
  • Social media

Event Management

VVK stages events that make headlines and attracts audiences to elevate clients’ brands.

  • Press conference and media tours
  • Ground breakings, ribbon cuttings & grand openings
  • Stakeholder and community engagement events
  • Influencer marketing and engagement

Video Production


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